Brandts Museum of Photography, Odense 1995

er sammensat som en·udstilling til påsken. Den handler om naturens ukuelige evne til at genskabe hvad går tabt, og om menneskets evne til at bevare hvad der tæller.
Den handler om glæde og vemod, gå-på mod og evnen til forandring.

Den er min tak for tradition og muligheder, en blanding af alt mellem himmel og jord.

Jeg fotograferer hvad der falder naturligt, og er aldrig for stolt til at give op.

Lad os være ærlige: Hvornår har du sidst fotograferet en engel eller støbt et solstrejf i voks? Mine billeder er dekorative og nemme at overskue, for skingre og kaotiske former slås om ørenlyd uden for deres rammer.

Væggene er som dansegulve, og jeg er de hvide vægges John Travolta.

Nej, jeg er ikke meget af en helt, men inden for mine billeder er alt stadig muligt.

Mellem barnefoden og den voksne sko ligger mere end alder, hvad størrelse bruger du?

Anders Rindom


English translation of Introduction to the exhibition: ‘I min fars sko.’ 

'In my dad's shoes'

Is an exhibition assembled with the forthcoming Easter in mind. It is a show about nature’s resilient ability to recreate what may appear perished; a tale about the human gift to mend what could be lost split seconds before it happens.

It is a story about joy and misery, the spirit of ‘go-get-it’ and our ability to accommodate change.

This is my ‘thank- you- note’ to tradition and to possibilities I have been given, a mixture of everything and anything between heavens and earth.

I photograph whatever feels natural and trust me when I tell you … I really am never too proud to give up.

Because let’s be honest: when have you last taken a picture of an angel or cast a beam of light in wax?

My pictures are decorative, easy on the eye for outside their frames manic and chaotic formations often fight for my attention.

The walls of the gallery can look as if they are dance floors, so please trust me when I say: I could well be the next John Travolta, a mover on these white expanses.

No … I am most likely not that kind of a hero, but within the boundaries of my pictures, any and every turn does still seem possible.

I guess the space between a child’s foot and a grown-up pair of shoes is measured not only by age. What size do you take by the way?

Anders Rindom

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